Thursday, July 2, 2020

A Dead One Can Support Other Life.

In our West Bengal, more or less 850 species of birds are found. According to the database, West Bengal has the richest avifauna diversity  comparing to other states in India. From passerines to waders, resident to migrants from arctic region, West Bengal has of a huge variety of birds.

A common concept about birds that they build nests on the branches of the trees with the help of dry sticks and leaves. But nests have a few variety. Excluding  the previous type , some of the birds choose tall grasses, some choose shrubs, some of them build floating nests on the stagnant water.

Even Dead trees help birds to build their nests. So, Some dead elements can also rear up many lifes.

When a tree dies, many wholes come up. Woodpeckers feed on the insects that grow at the rotten  parts of the tree. Then the holes can be used by the woodpeckers as their nests. Parakeets also use the holes made by woodpeckers as their nests. Barbets also make holes to lay eggs in it . Owls like spotted owlet and  scope owls use the holes not only as their nest but also they live in it due to day time to protect themselves from other predators.  Owls use the same holes for years after years if the hole stay suitable for them.
A Coppersmith Barbet( a very common bird of West Bengal as well as India)
 is building its nest on a dead tree.

So, if we think a dead tree is a nothing but a piece of wood , we are wrong . Nature has its own rhythm, every animal has some specific skill to survive in the natural world.  But due to population blast of humans, the wildlife is facing threats of extinction every time.

So think twice before you take any step. Don’t follow others opinion blindly . Question yourself either you are doing the right or not. 


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